Pitre Family Visits
Paul, Marc, and Mike preparing for the U.S. versus Ghana World Cup Soccer game in Paul and Rochelle's living room

Paul, Marc, and Mike preparing for the U.S. versus Ghana World Cup Soccer game in Paul and Rochelle's living room.

SATURDAY - Visiting with Paul and Mike

Saturday Marc and I drove to Baton Rouge (well actually south of Baton Rouge) to visit Paul and Rochelle and their kids, along with cousin Mike. Aunt Dory was visiting as well. Of course I could not help teasing Paul and Mike about LSU and how they really wanted to attend Tulane :-) I also asked about Louisiana's illustrious governor Jindahl and how they felt about him (I no longer recall, so no strong feelings either way). In addition to visiting we watched the World Cup Soccer game between the U.S. and Ghana. I was amazed that the U.S. team actually made it to the 2nd round of the World Cup. Those noisy musical instruments really irritated me and clearly caused our team to not win the game. I demand a rematch! Now to put things in perspective, we stayed in the World cup longer than the U.K. or Australia, so it was not a total loss :-) Mike is doing great and continuing to work at LSU. His Dad is likewise continuing to do well and still working; he lives about 5 minutes from Paul and Rochelle. Sadly, he was out of town the day we visited, so we did not get a chance to visit with him. Paul is likewise doing well although busy; he actually did a little work while we were watching the game.

Mike, Rochelle and Paul, Aunt Dory, and Marc waiting for dinner at ALABASHA'S®

Mike, Rochelle and Paul, Aunt Dory, and Marc waiting for dinner at ALABASHA® restaurant.

After the game we went to dinner at a Greek Lebanese restaurant called ALABASHA® to drown our sorrows with yummy food. And sure enough the food was delicious. After dinner we visited a short while longer, then Mike and Marc and I hit the road. And such was our visit to Prairieville for this year.

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