Pitre Family Visits
Lynne, Marc, Gai and Felix eating lunch in Eric and Lynne's kitchen

Lynne, Marc, Gai and Felix eating lunch in Eric and Lynne's kitchen.

SUNDAY - Celebrating Aunt Lou's Birthday at Eric and Lynne's

Sunday morning we drove over to Eric and Lynne's for lunch and to celebrate (sort of, no Birthday cake or anything) Aunt Lou's Birthday. Well, they sure had a houseful. 2 of Dallas Junior's daughters, Heather and Haley, were there along with their kids (sorry, I do not recall their names), plus David and Melissa and their 3 boys , Aunt Lou , Felix and Gai, Eric and Lynne's son Shawn and his girlfriend , and of course Marc and me. I gave Eric a hard time about letting Shawn drive his car, to no avail. Not that I blame Eric of course, but I figure Shawn needs to do a little driving to keep his license :-) Anyhow, Eric and Lynne had cooked up a feast, with some of the yummiest grilled/barbecued (how should I know, I am not a chef) chicken and dirty rice and rolls and other great stuff. We had another long discussion on the BP oil spill (it was a major topic of discussion in Louisiana) and heard about Felix and Gai's adventures in international travel. We stayed and visited for most of the afternoon. And that was our Sunday visit at Eric and Lynne's this year.

Melissa, Aunt Lou, and various grandkids

Melissa, Aunt Lou, and various grandkids.

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