Jackie's Birthday
John, Steve, Sophia, and Scott anxiously awaiting our food at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO

John, Steve, Sophia, and Scott anxiously awaiting our food at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO.

FRIDAY - Visits

Lunch with Marc and the Glancy Man

I got up and walked to Washington Park. I hiked almost to the Hoyt Arboretum before running out of time to make lunch. My right lower back muscles felt a little twitchy and sore, which was a setback. My back had been improving since I injured it in July, so I felt a little disappointed about experiencing more back pain. The sky was overcast, and the air felt cool and damp. When I returned to Jackie and Steve's house, my throat felt a little scratchy. After returning from my walk, I visited briefly with Jackie and Steve and the kids. The kids are non-stop entertainment, in addition to being a real handful. Then I practiced Yoga and took a shower, and then it was lunch time.

Marc, Jackie, and James anxiously awaiting our food at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO

Marc, Jackie, and James anxiously awaiting our food at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO.

We drove to FOGO DE CHAO and got a parking spot right next to the restaurant by JOHN HELMER'S HATS. Steve and the kids briefly looked at hats as I walked to the 1ST REPUBLIC BANK ATM to get some cash and we waited for Jackie to join us (she walked). John found a cool walking stick with a gold metal head. We walked into the restaurant to find Marc and Scott already sitting at the table. I was shocked, shocked to learn that Gambling was going on in this establishment! :-) The food was again fantastic. Scott again talked up a storm, which was lots of fun. Jackie walked the kids as Steve, Scott, Marc, and I continued talking and visiting. Eventually we paid our bill and left the restaurant.

Jackie holding a bored Sophia, while James smiles, at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO

Jackie holding a bored Sophia, while James smiles, at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO.

A visit to POWELL'S BOOKSTORE and then goodbye to Scott

We walked back to the hat store, where Jackie and the kids rejoined us. Steve took the kids to piano practice with the Russian Grandmother. Marc, Jackie, and Scott shopped for hats while I hung out feeling bored. After a while we ambled on over to POWELL'S BOOKSTORE. Marc and Jackie ordered drinks, while Scott shopped for books. After drinking some of our drinks, we walked up to the 2nd floor and rejoined Scott in the World War II section. I visited with Scott, while Marc and Jackie did their shopping. Steve eventually joined us, and we said our goodbyes to Scott and Marc. Marc walked with Scott to the train station, where Scott left for Seattle. And such was our adventurous visit with the Glancy Man this year.

Scott and Jackie in the World War II section of POWELL'S BOOKSTORE

Scott and Jackie in the World War II section of POWELL'S BOOKSTORE.

Getting and eating Jackie's Birthday Cake

Jackie and Steve and the kids and I then drove over to LE COOKIE MONKEY to get Jackie's Birthday cake. Then we drove around looking for some Italian shop that Jackie wanted to check out, but we could not find it. So we returned home. Back at the house Jackie served us her Birthday cake. I like it, but the kids had some reservations. I ended up eating a lot of cake frosting, which I enjoyed. Then we FaceTimed with Naresh and See-Yai and Kieron and Mikoo. I enjoyed talking with them again (the last time was September 2013). Then Jackie and Steve SKYPEd with Liz and Richard and their kids back in Australia.

Jackie cutting her Birthday cake, while John, Sophia, and James anxiously await their pieces of cake

Jackie cutting her Birthday cake, while John, Sophia, and James anxiously await their pieces of cake.

Then Marc joined us. At that point my throat was feeling very sore. Marc wanted some beer, so we went to ZUPAN'S grocery store. Jackie got some groceries, Marc got some beer, and I got some HALL'S Eucalyptus Cough Drops and Vitamin C. Then we returned home and visited with Steve, while the kids watched TV. Then Marc said goodbye for the night. So Jackie and I watched THE WEDDING OF RIVER SONG episode of DOCTOR WHO, while Steve drove Marc back to his hotel. At that point we were all tired, so we all went to bed. And such was our Friday.

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