A Cajun Christmas
Paul, Marc, Mom, Aunt Dory, Robert, Jackie and Steve admiring baby Miles in Aunt Dory's apartment on Christmas evening

Paul, Marc, Mom, Aunt Dory, Robert, Jackie and Steve admiring baby Miles in Aunt Dory's apartment on Christmas evening.

MONDAY - Visiting with Aunt Dory

That evening we went over to Aunt Dora's place to see Paul and Carol , along with Aunt Dory, Rochelle, Miles, and Robert. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of Rochelle :-( Paul, Rochelle, and Miles had arrived from Rochelle's parents in Baton Rouge. Rochelle's parents gave Miles a great CADDYSHACK® Gopher doll which dances and sings when you turn him on. Miles was the life of the party; amost everybody played with him or held him. He is very happy and well-behaved as babies go. We visited for a couple of hours, as Marc and Paul hammered out their plan to fly rockets the next morning... early . Jackie and Carol also planned a shopping trip to a quilting shop near Sunset. After a thoroughly enjoyable visit, we said our goodbyes and returned to Mom's house. ...and such was our Christmas Day.

Marc, Mom, Aunt Dory, and Robert admiring baby Miles in Aunt Dory's apartment on Christmas evening

Marc, Mom, Aunt Dory, and Robert admiring baby Miles in Aunt Dory's apartment on Christmas evening.

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