My Cousin Mike's Birthday
Mike, Marc, Felix and Anisa and Gai, and Mom blocking Aunt Dory at COPELAND'S® restaurant in Baton Rouge

Mike, Marc, Felix and Anisa and Gai, and Mom blocking Aunt Dory at COPELAND'S® restaurant in Baton Rouge.

Well, it was September, the time of the year when we get together again for cousin Mike's Birthday. The partners in crime included: Mom, Mike, Marc, Felix, and Aunt Dory blocking Gai and Anisa and me, of course. We once again ate yummy food (the only kind that COPELAND'S® served at that time) and visited with Mike. Mike is still working at LSU and enjoying life. Not much else to report.

Felix (blocking Anisa) and Gai, Aunt Dory, Mom, Marc, and Mike at COPELAND'S® in Baton Rouge

Felix (blocking Anisa) and Gai, Aunt Dory, Mom, Marc, and Mike at COPELAND'S® in Baton Rouge.

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