Jackie's Birthday
John and James getting ready for school

John and James getting ready for school.

WEDNESDAY - Kids going to School and Goodbye

Wednesday was my last day in Australia this year. I helped Steve and Jackie get the kids ready for school. I finally got to photograph Sophia playing piano (she was very shy about letting me photograph her playing piano). After getting the kids off to school, I practiced a little yoga.

For lunch Jackie and Steve and I went to the SPICE TEMPLE®, an upscale Chinese restaurant in downtown Sydney. The food tasted incredible. I felt really happy finally eating some quality Chinese food. We enjoyed our meal thoroughly.

Afterwards we zoomed back home to get the kids from school. I practiced a little more yoga prior to spending 16 hours on planes flying back to Arizona. Jackie and Steve drove me to the airport, and we visited for a while. Then I went through security and got on my flight and went home. My flights went smoothly, along with my shuttle ride fmor the airport to home. And such was my visit to Australia for 2012.

Sophia practicing piano before school

Sophia practicing piano before school.

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