Jackie's Birthday
John playing field hockey with 2 of his team mates

John playing field hockey with 2 of his team mates.

SATURDAY - John playing Field Hockey

Saturday morning Steve and I took John to play his last season game of field hockey. I of course went along to embarass John by saying nonsensical things to John during the game. Steve and other parents got a kick out of my silliness. Initially, Steve and a few other parents helped the kids warm up with practice hitting the ball. Then the game began. I noticed that the teams were coed, which was very interesting; I wonder if field hockey teams in the USA are coed... Anyhow, John and his team played better in the 2nd half. John's team even scored a point during the game, their 3rd for the season. So they ended the season on a high note (although they narrowly lost the game). Afterwards, the team posed for group photos.

John and his team mates pose for pictures after the last game of the season

John and his team mates pose for pictures after the last game of the season.

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