Jackie's Birthday
Marion holding John at breakfast after John played field hockey

Marion holding John at breakfast after John played field hockey.

SATURDAY - Breakfast with Marion

After the game we returned home. The kids joined Marion and Jackie in eating breakfast.

For lunch, Jackie made red beans and rice, which was great. I loved it. I really miss Louisiana food, so that was a real treat. For dessert we ate some of Jackie's delcious cheesecake. Life was fantastic!

After lunch Steve took John and Sophia to visit with Grandma Atkins and Stephen, while I stayed with Jackie and James. James had been feeling sick since last night and had thrown up, so he was not feeling well at all. The afternoon turned out very peaceful, which was fine with me.

Jackie holds Sophia, who is acting cutely annoying, during breakfast

Jackie holds Sophia, who is acting cutely annoying, during breakfast.

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