Jackie's Birthday
Jackie and Steve ready to leave for TETSUYA'S® Restaurant

Jackie and Steve, still recovering from his knee surgery, ready to leave for TETSUYA'S® Restaurant.

SATURDAY - Celebrating Jackie's Birthday

This year I flew straight through from Phoenix to Sydney and arrived Tuesday night feeling groggy. I slept about 10 hours that night and still woke up tired. I had lunch with Jackie and Steve and Stephen and visited with them that day. Pretty low key. Steve had just gotten knee surgery on his left knee, so he was not very mobile. The next couple of days I spent recovering from my flight.

Saturday Jackie and Steve and I celebrated Jackie's Birthday with a noontime visit to TETSUYA'S® Japanesse Restaurant. Rob came over and took care of James, John, and Sophia while we departed for yummy lunch.

The food was awesome as usual. To spare the unlucky few who did not join us, I am omitting our menu for this year. Suffice it to say, wish you could have been there :-) Afterwards we returned home and vegetated away the rest of the day. And that was how we celebrated Jackie's Birthday on Saturday this year.

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