Jackie's Birthday
Jackie and Steve and Steve's Mom Marion eating appetizers at the Brazilian restaurant BahBQ®

Jackie and Steve and Steve's Mom Marion eating appetizers at the Brazilian restaurant BahBQ®.

WEDNESDAY - Lunch at BahBQ® Restaurant

Wednesday Jackie and Steve and Steve's Mum Marion and I went to try a Brazilian restaurant called BahBQ®. I had never eaten Brazilian cooking, so lunch was an adventure. I rode with Marion, and we met up with Jackie and Steve who had just finished physical therapy for his knee. The food was incredible. Our server kept bringing these amazing skewers of meat, almost like a buffet. Everything tasted fantastic. I actually overate for the 1st time in many months; that was how good the food was. And of course I kept thinking how much John would enjoy eating all of that meat. After eating all our fill of all that amazing food we waddled out of the door and headed home. I think I walked after that, but I am not sure. I am sure that I really needed to walk after eating all of that delicious food!

Our server with 1 of many awesome skewers of meat at the Brazilian restaurant BahBQ®

Our server with 1 of many awesome skewers of meat at the Brazilian restaurant BahBQ®.

OUT OF AFRICA®, ADRIANO ZUMBO'S®, SMALL WORLD®, and BahBQ® are Trademark and Copyright their respective owners.

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