A Cajun Christmas
Marc emphasizing a point to Steve, while Marion and James talk, at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO

Marc emphasizing a point to Steve, while Marion and James talk, at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO.

FRIDAY - recovering from Christmas

I got up at 06:53AM feeling well rested and great :-) Sophia came down around 06:30AM to play NINTENDO. I sat and visited with Steve and the kids while they ate breakfast. I drank my tea and relaxed. Sophia was a drama queen as usual :-) Around 08:00AM Marc came out to exercise. Then I left to practice Yoga.

John looking at Marc, who is emphasizing a point to Steve, at FOGO DE CHAO

John looking at Marc, who is emphasizing a point to Steve, at FOGO DE CHAO.

Around 11:30AM we left the house to walk to FOGO DE CHAO for lunch. The weather felt cool and barely comfortable for me (so freezing for everybody else). We enjoyed a fantastic lunch, which Marc kindly paid for. I drank 1 glass of MALBEC and 1 glass of a red wine that Steve chose; both tasted average to me. Yep, this restaurant is a carnivore's heaven :-)

Jackie and Steve talking to Marc, while Sophia looks at the camera, at FOGO DE CHAO

Jackie and Steve talking to Marc, while Sophia looks at the camera, at FOGO DE CHAO.

After lunch we walked several blocks and caught the streetcar to the intersection of NW 23rd Street and Marshall Street. We then walked several blocks, past MOONSTRUCK Chocolate, to a soap shop called LUSH. Steve, Marc, and I walked across the street to a bakery to avoid dying of boredom. After a while we returned to LUSH and regrouped. We walked across the street to FED EX Shop looking for Marc, who went on ahead of us. After locating Marc, we left the FED EX Shop. Jackie walked to a cooking shop to buy a rice cooker, while the rest of us walked to the coffee shop. 1 block before the coffee shop we realized that Sophia was not with us. So I walked back to FED EX Shop to retrieve her. Then we finished walking to the coffee shop. Steve ordered coffee for Marion, himself, and Jackie and hot chocolate for the kids. Jackie eventually arrived, and we walked on to ZUPAN'S grocery store. Jackie and Marion stopped at ZUPAN'S because their feet were hurting (bad fitting shoes). The rest of us walked home.

Jackie sipping her coffee while James goofs off on a bench beside a coffee shop

Jackie sipping her coffee while James goofs off on a bench beside a coffee shop.

Upon arriving at home, Marc and I ate some desserts. Steve drove to ZUPAN'S to recover Jackie and Marion. After eating dessert, I walked up and down the basement stairs for some exercise. Then I surfed the InterNet and checked my e-mail. Marc retired to his room.

John watching as Steve pays for the coffees and hot chocolates at the coffee shop

John watching as Steve pays for the coffees and hot chocolates at the coffee shop.

Upon arriving with Jackie and Marion, Steve assembled the kids and they all walked to Washington Park to see the Rose Garden and the lights at the Zoo (kids), while the adults visited the Holocaust Museum. After they returned home, Steve and Marion opened some late Christmas Gifts from me (they arrived a day late).

We adults then spent the evening playing CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY. Then I surfed the InterNet and checked my e-mail for a few minutes and went to bed. Marc stayed up to watch CALVARY, a movie about an Irish Priest facing a death threat. And such was our Friday, the day after Christmas, for 2014.

Steve and Marion enjoying their coffees at the coffee shop

Steve and Marion enjoying their coffees at the coffee shop.

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