A Cajun Christmas
Sophia playing piano Christmas Eve morning

Sophia playing piano Christmas Eve morning.

WEDNESDAY - Christmas Eve

I got up at 07:31AM feeling well rested. I went upstairs and drank a cup of tea and visited with Steve and the kids. Later, Marc did his workout on Jackie's Elliptical machine. Then Marc and Steve walked to PEET'S COFFEE, which is conveniently located next door to the ZUPAN'S grocery store down the hill. James read, while John watched POKEMON, and Sophia played piano. I visited with Jackie and later Marc and Steve as well after they returned with their coffees. Then I practiced Yoga for the rest of the morning.

Around 11:30AM Steve drove to the airport to pick up his Mum Marion. About 20 minutes later Marc and I drove to FOGO DE CHAO for lunch because we deserved it! We enjoyed a fantastic meal and left feeling full and satisfied :-) We stopped at SOUTHLAND WHISKEY KITCHEN on the way home to pick up some rice for the gumbo that Jackie was cooking for Christmas Day. Steve and Marion arrived shortly after we returned.

Marion in the kitchen, after arriving from the airport, on Christmas Eve

Marion in the kitchen, after arriving from the airport, on Christmas Eve.

A little while later the kids and parents visits started. 1st Tom and his daughter Erin came over for a visit. Tom stayed briefly, just dropping off Erin and leaving. Then Liz, Lyle, and Eva came over. Liz was quite sociable, Lyle was a little more reserved. Steve started pouring the red wines for everyone, a most generous host indeed :-) I drank 4 or 5 glasses of red wine over the course of the afternoon and evening and felt suitably refreshed.

Then Caron(?), Tad, and their twin boys Cadence and Braden, arrived. They tended to be reserved as well. Tad visited most of the time with Steve. Finally, Amy and David and their twin boys Leo and Soren (long haired hippie boys who are totally cool) arrived. Amy and David were also quite sociable and talked about their vineyard among other things. Amy and David also seemed to be older than the other parents. I think that they were Marc's age actually, so I am guessing they had their children very late.

Our guests stayed until around 10:00PM or so. After we said our goodbyes and they left, I surfed the InterNet and went to sleep. And such was our Christmas Eve for 2014.

James playing with a Christmas Gift after Jackie wrapped it, in the Dining Room

James playing with a Christmas Gift after Jackie wrapped it, in the Dining Room.

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