Jackie's Birthday
James, Jackie, Sophia, John, and Marc standing in front of the entrance to JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH

James, Jackie, Sophia, John, and Marc standing in front of the entrance to JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH seafood restaurant.

SATURDAY - Lunch at JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH Seafood Restaurant

Marc, Jackie, and I drove Sophia to her gymnastics class in Beaverton. After dropping off Sophia, we drove to a nearby NORDSTROM'S in Beaverton. Marc shopped for shoes, then clothes, while Jackie just dived headlong into clothes shopping. I felt bored, so I surfed the InterNet with my iPhone. After shopping, we stopped at a gas station to refill the gas tank. I noticed a lot of smoke in the air, which I felt concerned about (the smoke came from 2 fires burning east and northeast of Portland). After filling the gas tank, we picked up Sophia and drove home.

Jackie, Sophia, and Marc standing outside the front door, while a Weeping Angel looks through the window

Jackie, Sophia, and Marc standing outside the front door, while a Weeping Angel looks through the window.

Then we drove to JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH, where we met up with James and John and Steve. We walked the last 3 blocks to the restaurant, which is where we met the boys (20 feet before the entrance). Steve came along later after shopping at T-MOBILE. I ordered the salad, fried calamari, and crawfish étouffée with chicken and andouille sausage. Delicious! I loved it. I magnanimously gave Sophia 3 calamari and John 2 calamari. However, my stomach felt quite unhappy about an hour later when I drank some water and for about 4 hours after that :-(

Sophia and John coloring with their crayons, while James hugs John, at JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH

Sophia and John coloring with their crayons, while James hugs John, at JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH seafood restaurant.

Hanging out after lunch

After this yummy lunch, Steve took James to his voice lesson, while we took Sophia and John home for their Math tutoring. An hour or so later I went with Steve to pick up James. Steve dropped me off at PRO PHOTO SUPPLY, where I looked at their LF and MF cameras and gear. I spent most of my time drooling over their Mamiya 7 camera with 43mm f4.5, 65mm f4, and 150mm f4 lenses. I really like this camera and lens set, but I could not justify spending the money... at least, not yet. Steve subsequently picked James and then me up, and we returned home.

After returning home, I surfed the InterNet while Jackie took Steve to get his new bicycle. I think that we played another baord game that evening, and that is all I recall of our Saturday night.

Steve, Jackie, and Marc reading the menu at JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH

Steve, Jackie, and Marc reading the menu at JAKE'S FAMOUS CRAWFISH seafood restaurant.

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