Jackie's Birthday
John, James, Sophia, Jackie, and the kids' friend Erin waiting for our table in the lobby at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO

John, James, Sophia, Jackie, and the kids' friend Erin waiting for our table in the lobby at the Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO.

FRIDAY - Hanging out

I got up around 07:30AM feeling well rested after 9 hours of sleep.

The kids' friend Erin, James, John (obscured by James), and Sophia playing NINTENDO in the Gaming Room

The kids' friend Erin, James, John (obscured by James), and Sophia playing NINTENDO in the Gaming Room.

The kids' friend Erin visited for the day after she and Sophia went climbing at PLANET GRANITE, a rock climbing gym, this morning. The girls seemed pretty happy with their rock climbing adventures at PLANET GRANITE.

The kids' friend Erin, James, John (obscured by James), and Sophia playing NINTENDO in the Gaming Room

The kids' friend Erin, James, John (obscured by James), and Sophia playing NINTENDO in the Gaming Room.

Around noon we went to the awesome Brazilian restaurant FOGO DE CHAO for lunch. My favorite Portland restaurant so far, and a Carnivore's Heaven. Jackie walked to the restaurant for the exercise. I wussed out because the temperature was too warm for me (about 70 degrees Fahrenheit). I loved my food. Even after I ate a full plate of salad and then of meat and 8 Polenta sticks, my stomach did not feel full. So I ate an Organic VEGAN Bar with Almond Butter for dinner around 05:00PM. Eating the bar seems to have increased my energy :-) And my stomach was happy as well :-)))

Sophia, Erin, and James waiting to get some food at FOGO DE CHAO Steve and Marc perusing the wine list, while Jackie watches, at FOGO DE CHAO John and Sophia enjoying Jackie's Birthday desserts at FOGO DE CHAO
Sophia, Erin, and James waiting to get some food at FOGO DE CHAO Brazilian restaurant. Steve and Marc perusing the wine list, while Jackie watches, at FOGO DE CHAO Brazilian restaurant. John and Sophia enjoying Jackie's Birthday desserts at FOGO DE CHAO Brazilian restaurant.

After dinner I had fun playing DIXIT with Jackie and Steve and the kids. The kids were plenty loud and rowdy! Sophia led early in the game, and James ultimately won. Marc decided to stay in his room; he probably fell asleep... And such was our Friday for 2015.

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