Jackie's Birthday

TUESDAY - Exploring downtown Sydney

The Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb

Stephen and Steve examining the newspaper, while Rick, me and Marc prepare for the Bridge Climb

Stephen and Steve examining the newspaper, while Rick, me and Marc prepare for the Bridge Climb.

Tuesday afternoon Jackie and Steve, Marc and I drove into downtown Sydney so Marc and I could experience the Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb. Steve's Dad Stephen and his brother Rick joined us for the adventure. Jackie and Steve wimped out on us and skipped the climb. The company putting on the climb gave us a quick lecture and demonstration on climbing the bridge, then we suited up and started out on our trek. We climbed up the bridge just in time for a spectacular sunset. Although the temperature was comfortable when we started, it got really cold after the sun went down. So we were really motivated to climb down!

Dinner at SAILOR THAI® restaurant

Stephen, Marc, Rick, Steve and Jackie waiting for food at SAILOR THAI®

Stephen, Marc, Rick, Steve and Jackie waiting for food at SAILOR THAI® restaurant.

We sure worked up an appetite climbing the bridge and freezing our butts off, so we walked a short (very short) distance to a nearby Thai restaurant called SAILOR THAI® for dinner. The food was suitably Thai and yummy. Afterwards we made our way back to Jackie and Steve's. And such was our Tuesday.

SYDNEY HARBOR BRIDGE CLIMB® and SAILOR THAI® are Trademark and Copyright their respective owners.

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