Jackie's Birthday

THURSDAY - Hanging out

Steve holding Sophia, as John and James eat breakfast

Steve holding Sophia, as John and James eat breakfast.

Thursday morning I got up and assisted Steve in feeding the kids. John and James were their usual rescally selves. Sophia was quiet and not interested in eating. Eventually everybody ate their food, and James and John got ready for school. Then Marc and I hung out with Jackie and had a low key day. And such was our Thursday.

Sophia helping John and James get ready for school

Sophia helping John and James get ready for school.

Friday was also a low key day, and I cannot recall what we did that day. That night Marc and I flew back to Hawai'i, arriving Friday morning (because we crossed the International Date Line again). We spent the day and night in Honolulu, dining at the totally awesome ALAN WONG'S®. The next morning we got up and caught the flight back to Phoenix, arriving at midnight. Marc then drove us home. And such was our visit to Australia for 2009.

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