Jackie's Birthday


Jackie and Steve and Marc by the Sydney Harbor

Jackie and Steve and Marc by the Sydney Harbor.

Marc and I arrived Wednesday night. We flew from Phoenix to Honolulu and spent the night in Honolulu. Then we flew from Honoulu to Sydney, passing the International Date Line and "losing" a day. I had not been to Australia (and only briefly to Syndey/the airport en route to Honolulu) since my "world tour" with Adele in February-March 2004. Marc had never been to Australia. So Sydney was a new experience for both of us.

We slept a long long time that night, especially me. Thursday morning I got up around 10:00AM. We got cleaned up and made our way downtown to meet Steve's Dad Stephen and brother Rick to celebrate Jackie's Birthday meal. Jackie picked the restaurant the QUAY® for her Birthday meal. The QUAY® sits along Sydney Harbor and has some beautigul view of the Harbor. We met up with Stephen and Rick, and eventually made our way inside for lunch. We enjoyed a pleasant Birthday meal and wished Jackie a happy Birthday. Afterwards, Jackie and Steve and Marc and I walked around the area, encountering an unusual bookstore, among other things. We also browsed through a hat shop featuring the famous Australian AKUBRA® hats. I felt that they were really cool, and later Jackie and Steve actually got me one for my Birthday. After wandering around for a while we made our way back to Jackie and Steve's house. And that is all that I recall about Jackie's Birthday.

Marc and Jackie waiting for food at the QUAY®

Marc and Jackie waiting for food at the QUAY®.

The QUAY® and AKUBRA® are Trademark and Copyright their respective owners.

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