Marc's Birthday - 2002
Mom, Felix and Gai, Aunt Dory, Marc, and Paul sitting in Mom's dining room enjoying coffee

Mom, Felix and Gai, Aunt Dory, Marc, and Paul enjoying coffee in Mom's dining room.

WEDNESDAY - Coffee with the Pitre gang

Later that evening Felix and Gai came over for coffee and a visit. Because it's not really a visit in south Louisiana without a little coffee :-) I think Rochelle was taking care of Rhianna and definitely Miles at the time. So everybody but me and Rochelle enjoyed coffee, and we all visited into the night. And such was our Wednesday visits.

Felix and Gai, Aunt Dory, Marc, and Paul sitting in Mom's dining room enjoying coffee

Felix and Gai, Aunt Dory, Marc, and Paul in Mom's dining room.

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