Marc's Birthday - 2002
A dove nesting in the roof beam on Mom's back patio

A dove nesting in the roof beam on Mom's back patio.


Mom's Dove

At some point that I no longer recall, Marc returned home to New Orleans. I stayed with Mom. Mom and I had an ongoing discussion about the dove nesting in her patio roof. I feel that the dove was the cutest dove ever. A keeper. How could anyone not love such a cute dove? Well Mom could not and schemed to get the handyman out to remove the dove's nest. Why, it was conduct that shocked the conscience!

Julia, Gai, and Felix relaxing in Mom's living room

Julia, Gai and Felix visiting in Mom's living room.

Visiting with Felix and Gai and Julia

On Saturday Felix and Gai and their daughter Julia came over for a visit. That is all I recall.

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