Pitre Lunch in Houston - 2002
Jo-Jo, John Dempsey, David, and Dan at PREGO® restaurant in Rice Village in Houston

Jo-Jo, John Dempsey, David, and me at PREGO® restaurant in Houston.


The week after Mom's Birthday I got together with our cousins Jo-Jo, John Dempsey, and David in Houston. We met for lunch at the Italian restaurant PREGO® in Rice Village. We enjoyed a awesome delicious lunch and visited for quite a while. The bread was particularly tasty. At one point we were down to 1 piece of bread, and Jo-Jo and John Dempsey were both eyeing it fiercely. For a few tense moments I felt like I was in the movie THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY® with Clint Eastwood and Lee van Cleef facing off against each other at the end. Yep, we had a real Texan standoff for that last piece of bread (I would say Mexican standoff, but we were in Houston). I think John Dempsey won that battle of nerves, then our server brought another round of bread before bloodshed ensued :-) And such wsa our Pitre lunch together.

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