My July 4th Weekend in Houston
Jackie and Steve at the Italian restaurant PREGO® in RICE VILLAGE

Jackie and Steve at the Italian restaurant PREGO® in RICE VILLAGE.


Jackie and Steve arrived in Houston Friday night. Mom drove into town Saturday afternoon. That evening we had dinner at everybody's favorite Italian restaurant in Houston, PREGO® in Rice Village, which was about 8 blocks from my apartment. Mom and I arrived on time, followed by Jackie and Steve . Jackie's college buddies, Virginia and Ed , arrived shortly afterwards. Virginia and Jackie were roommates in college. Ed was Virginia's boyfriend, and they got married after graduation. They were living and working in bright sunny Ohio (sarcasm, of course), but recently moved down here to the Houston area. We enjoyed a pleasant dinner together and caught up on current events with everybody, then moved on.

Ed and Virginia at the Italian restaurant PREGO® in RICE VILLAGE

Ed and Virginia at the Italian restaurant PREGO® in RICE VILLAGE.

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