My Photography Sunrises around Sedona


From Chimney Rock

20 March 2013

Sunrise on Thunder Mountain, Coffeepot, 'the Fin', Sugarloaf, the Mogollon Rim, and west Sedona, as seen from Chimney Rock.  Shot with Fuji VELVIA 100 film.

Sunrise on Thunder Mountain, Coffeepot, 'the Fin', Sugarloaf, the Mogollon Rim, and west Sedona, as seen from Chimney Rock. Shot with Fuji VELVIA 100 film.

I hiked up Chimney Rock early on March 20, 2013. A fog lay over the land, creating a really cool and atmospheric look. I exposed 4 sheets of color film (Fuji VELVIA 100 and Kodak PORTRA 400), and I like these 2 exposures the best. The bottom part of Thunder Mountain is in the left foreground creating a strong diagonal and setting Coffeepot in place. Then comes Coffeepot in the midground, looking obscured from the lack of sunshine. Lastly is Mount Wilson on the left and the "Fin" on the right background. The clouds in the sky lit up very colorfully. In hindsight, I feel like I may have included too much of the land and not enough of the sky; I am still pondering that decision...

I took these photographs with my Ebony SV810 Camera with Rodenstock APO-SIRONAR-S 360mm f6.8 lens. I set the aperture to f22 and the shutter speed to 15 seconds for the VELVIA 100 photo above and 1 second for the PORTRA 400 photo below.

Sunrise on Coffeepot as seen from Chimney Rock. Shot with Kodak PORTRA 400 film.

Sunrise on Coffeepot, with the lower part of Thunder Mountain in the left foreground and the "Fin" in the right background, as seen from Chimney Rock. Shot with Kodak PORTRA 400 film.

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