My Photography Sunrises around Sedona


From Chimney Rock

17 February 2008

Sunrise on Coffeepot as seen from Chimney Rock

Sunrise on Coffeepot, with the lower part of Thunder Mountain in the left foreground and the "Fin" in the right background, as seen from Chimney Rock

I hiked up Chimney Rock early on February 17, 2008. A fog lay over the land, creating a really cool and atmospheric look. I exposed several sheets of color slide film (Fuji VELVIA 100), and I liked this exposure the best. The bottom part of Thunder Mountain is in the left foreground creating a strong diagonal and setting Coffeepot in place. Then comes Coffeepot in the midground, slightly hazy from the fog. Lastly is Mount Wilson on the left and the "Fin" on the right background, almost completely obscured by the fog. The bright crisp morning sunlight on Thunder Mountain also contributes to the contrast. The bright saturated colors of VELVIA 100 make the red rocks look a rich vibrant orangish-red. And the clear blue sky also creates a contrast with the "busy" land and vegetation.

I took this photo with my Ebony RW45 camera and Rodenstock APO-SIRONAR-S 240mm f5.6 lens. I set the aperture to f32 and the shutter speed to 1/8 second.

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