August Birthdays 2002
Jessica, Louis, Monica, Mom, Aunt Dory, Gai and Felix playing cards at Louis and Monica's place

Jessica, Louis, Monica, Mom, Aunt Dory, Gai and Felix playing cards at Louis and Monica's place.

SUNDAY - Visiting with Louis and Monica

I arrived in Lafayette at some point prior to Sunday. I can no longer recall when. Mom wanted to go visit Louis and Monica, so we hopped in the car and drove to see them. If I recall correctly they were still living in Maurice at the time. Also present were Aunt Dory and Felix and Gai. We sat around the dining table playing cards and talking the afternoon away. And that was our Sunday visit to Louis and Monica's.

Monica, Jessica, Louis, Mom, Aunt Dory, and Felix playing cards at Louis and Monica's place

Monica, Jessica, Louis, Mom, Aunt Dory, and Felix playing cards at Louis and Monica's place.

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