A Cajun Christmas
Jackie holding Sophia, James, and Adele holding a gift

Jackie holding Sophia, James, and Adele holding a gift.

MONDAY - Celebrating Christmas at Jackie and Steve's house

Monday morning we celebrated Christmas at Jackie and Steve's house. Marc, Adele and I walked over to Jackie and Steve's, and we commenced opening gifts around 10. At that point Jackie had the kids all up and fed. James and John were quite impatient to open their gifts. Sophia was again well behaved. We went to town opening our gifts and oohing and ahhing about all of the wonderful prezzies. After thrilling to all of the wonderful prezzies, we got ready to visit Carol and Robert for Christmas Dinner. Then we all hoped into the van, and Steve drove us to Carol and Robert's house.

The Christmas tree at Jackie and Steve's house with all of the gifts waiting to be opened

The Christmas tree at Jackie and Steve's house with all of the gifts waiting to be opened.

After visiting with Aunt Dory, Carol and Robert and Noelle, we returned to Jackie and Steve's house to visit some more. Gloria, who babysat for the kids, came over and helped out with Sophia. I was feeling pretty mellow. We pretty much just mellowed out the rest of the evening. The next day Steve drove us to the airport, Marc drove home, and such was our Christmas celebration for 2006.

Steve and Jackie opening Christmas gifts, as Marc looks on amused from behind them, at Jackie and Steve's house

Steve and Jackie opening Christmas gifts, as Marc looks on amused from behind them, at Jackie and Steve's house.

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