A Cajun Christmas

Adele holding Sophia, Steve, James and John, and Jackie at a friend's house for Christmas Eve Dinner

SUNDAY-Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Dinner at a friend of Jackie and Steve's with Jackie and Steve, John, James, Sophia, and Adele.

Jackie holding Sophia, James, and Adele holding a gift

MONDAY - Celebrating Christmas at Jackie and Steve's house

Celebrating Christmas morning and evening at Jackie and Steve's house with Jackie and Steve, James, John, and Sophia, Marc, Adele, and me.

Robert talking to James and John in front of the Christmas tree at Carol and Robert's house

MONDAY - Celebrating Christmas at Carol and Robert's house

Celebrating Christmas afternoon and dinner at Carol and Robert's house with Aunt Dory, Carol and Robert and Noelle, Jackie and Steve and the kids, Marc, Adele, and me.

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