My Photography
Trees Maples

19 October 2008

Orange and red leaves on 2 Maples near Cave Springs in Oak Creek Canyon

Orange and red leaves on 2 Maples near Cave Springs in Oak Creek Canyon.

I returned to the same area 2 days later to try photographing different scenes. I used VELVIA 50 again along with a Schneider SUPER-SYMMAR XL 150mm f5.6 lens for both photos. I like the large orange and red leaves on these 2 Maples. They look like 2 brothers.

I took the photo below several minutes later on my way out of the wash. I tilted the camera up, which is why the trees are angling towards the center of the image. I like the red leaves of the central tree and the way that the tree in the left foreground sets the central tree in space. Also, the primary colors of the yellow foreground leaves with the red midground leaves and the blue rocks. I also like how the sky creates a triangular negative space.

I like both photos.

Red leaves on the Maples near Cave Springs in Oak Creek Canyon

Red leaves on the Maples near Cave Springs in Oak Creek Canyon.

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