Jackie's Birthday
Marion and Sophia at Jackie and Steve's house

THURSDAY - Visiting with Marion

My arrival in Sydney. Visiting with Marion, Jackie and Steve and the kids.

Stephen, 'Socks', and Steve waiting for their food at the Italian restaurant TREBBIANO'S®

FRIDAY - Visits

Visiting with and saying goodbye to Marion. Lunch with Jackie and Steve, Steve's Dad Stephen, and Steve's co-worker "Socks" at TREBBIANO'S® restaurant.

Jackie and Steve at TETSUYA'S®


Seeing a wallabee in the back yard Saturday morning. Another awesome noontime feast at TETSUYA'S®, restaurant with Jackie and Steve and me.

Sophia goofing off

WEDNESDAY - Sophia goofing off

Sophia goofing off as usual.

John and James playing in their last field hockey game of the season

SATURDAY - James and John play Field Hockey

Steve and I watching James and John play their last field hockey game of the season.

Steve and John spanking James, while Jackie looks amused

TUESDAY - Jackie's Breakfast

Steve and the kids bringing Jackie breakfast in bed.

James and John hamming it up for the camera, while Sophia pouts, and Jackie opens another Birthday gift

TUESDAY - Jackie opening her gifts

Jackie opening her gifts after her breakfast in bed.

John looking at the camera, while Jackie blows out the candles on her Birthday cake, and Stephen watches

TUESDAY - Celebrating Jackie's Birthday

Eating Birthday cake courtesy of Steve's Dad Stephen. Visiting with Steve's brother Rick and father Stephen.

Purple Magnolia blossoms in Jackie and Steve's neighborhood

WEDNESDAY - Flowers and Birds

Purple Magnolia Flowers and Kookaburra birds in the neighborhood.

Sophia holding her tennis racket, John tying his tie, and Steve helping him in the play room before school

THURSDAY - Goodbye

The kids leave for school. Lunch at 1 of my favorite local restaurants EDEN CAFE®. Saying goodbye.

TREBBIANO'S®, TETSUYA'S®, OZEKI®, CHATSWOOD CHASE Shopping Centre®, and EDEN CAFE® are Trademark and Copyright their respective owners.

Unless otherwise noted, this Website, Web Pages, and all of its contents are Trademark and Copyright 2013-2015 Daniel E. Maddux. All rights reserved.