Pitre Family Visits
Marc, Susie, and Phil outside PAPPADEAUX'S Cajun Seafood Kitchen restaurant in the Woodlands

Marc, Susie, and Phil outside PAPPADEAUX'S Cajun Seafood Kitchen restaurant in the Woodlands.

TUESDAY - Dinner with Susie and Phil

Marc and I had a peaceful easy drive down to Phoenix and flight to Houston. Everything went off without a hitch, which felt great :-) Traffic on Beltway 8 and I-45 in Houston was congested but not as bad as last year.

We met Susie and Phil for dinner at the PAPPADEAUX'S Cajun Seafood Kitchen restaurant in the Woodlands. They arrived about 5 minutes after us. The table that the hostess initially gave us was heavily air conditioned and cold, even for me. So we moved to a warmer table, and all was well. I got my usual Blackened Alligator Tails and Crawfish Étouffée and felt totally culinarily satisfied :-) And I felt really happy to see Susie and Phil again :-)

Susie and Phil both appeared to have knee issues; they chalked it up to old age (Phil is 65; Susie is 58). They put down their beloved black labrador retriever after the vet diagnosed him with liver cancer :-( However, they currently have 3 dogs living with them:

Zac is currently renting a room from Susie and Phil. Susie and Phil just had their AC system replaced due to system failure. In this Summer heat, not fun :-(

Uncle Jimmy recently had a sinus infection; he compounded the problem by not taking his medication, then taking the wrong dosages. Now, he is back up to speed. Jimbo came into town to help take care of Uncle Jimmy. Jimbo left the day before we arrived. He and Kristin are still living in Midland and loving it. Their older son is a junior at TEXAS A&M; their younger son is a junior in high school. Time flies!

Phil talked about his Iraq experiences; specifically, collecting unused ammo and RPGs and meeting General Petraeus. He also told us about getting arrested when he was in a leg cast and being hauled down to the Police Station. Fortunately, he knew the Police Commissioner's son and was out in no time.

Kid news: Stephanie is doing well and wants to move in with a friend in New York City. She is currently working for TARGET as an assistant manager. She will probably have to leave the Houston area to get a promotion. Andy is graduating from a technical school (ITT) next week (at this point he has graduated).

Susie just got a mini-SUV, a 2014 model with 20,000 miles on it. Looks sweet. We then got into a discussion about her old car: the CAMARO®. A 17 year old boy ran 2 stop signs and tried to cross Highway 59 South near Victoria and T-Boned Susie and Phil in the CAMARO on their way to Corpus Christi to attend Susie's best friend's Wedding. What a bummer :-(

Texas' drought is officially over, which is great news. Not too much flooding outside of Houston and Austin.

After a pleasant visit with Susie and Phil, we returned to our hotel room. We heard noisy music from the window on our 11th floor room, so the music must have been really loud. Marc took a shower and conked out. And such was our Tuesday in Houston.

Me, Susie, and Phil outside PAPPADEAUX'S Cajun Seafood Kitchen restaurant in the Woodlands

Me, Susie, and Phil outside PAPPADEAUX'S Cajun Seafood Kitchen restaurant in the Woodlands.

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