A Cajun Christmas
John, Sophia, and James hugging 'Uncle' Naresh in the foyer

John, Sophia, and James hugging "Uncle" Naresh in the foyer.

TUESDAY - Saying Goodbye

I got up at 06:17AM feeling tired after a sleepless night. My right wrist kept me up all night :-( And it still felt stiff and sore :-((( My alarm clock did not go off because I accidentally set it to 05:36PM instead of 05:36AM (a typical Maddux manuever). I got up to find Marc working out on hte Elliptical machine. Steve was working at his computer. By 08:00AM everyone was up except Jackie. Naresh and his 2 sons had to leave for the airport before us, so we said our goodbyes and they got in the shuttle van and departed. Well okay, the shuttle was a few minutes late, but they made their flight no problem.

Jackie, James, Mikhil, Naresh, Kieron, Steve, Sophia, and John in the foyer

Jackie, James, Mikhil, Naresh, Kieron, Steve, Sophia, and John in the foyer.

About an hour later, our shuttle cars arrived and we departed for the airport. We got through security quickly and sat at our gate. Although Jackie and Steve's flight was supposed to leave before us, they got delayed. So Marc and I left 1st and arrived in Phoenix on time; a welcome relief. We stopped off at PAPPADEAUX'S for some Cajun food, then drove home uneventfully. And such was our Christmas visit for 2015.

Jackie, Marc, and Steve in the foyer saying goodbye to Naresh, Mikhil, and Kieron

Jackie, Marc, and Steve in the foyer saying goodbye to Naresh, Mikhil, and Kieron.

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