A Cajun Thanksgiving - 2001
Keri and Marc about to eat Thanksgiving Dinner

Keri and Marc about to eat Thanksgiving Dinner at ENCHANTMENT RESORT®.

THURSDAY - Turkey Day

Thursday morning I overslept (for me) and zoomed up Bear Mountain in just over an hour. I took a little longer getting down so my legs would not be sore the rest of the day. I returned home and got cleaned up for our Thanksgiving meal.

This year we again went to ENCHANTMENT RESORT® for Thanksgiving dinner. No cooking, no cleaning, no unhappy people; it was best of all possible worlds. Marc and Keri picked us up and drove us to the restaurant. Nate was waiting for us when we arrived. We enjoyed great food and company. After our awesome meal, Nate showed us his recently purchased car (which was also awesome!). Finally, after about 2 1/2 hours, we said our goodbyes and went home. I spent the rest fo the day vegetating and digesting my meal. And such was our Thanksgiving day for 2013.

Adele and me about to eat Thanksgiving dinner

Adele and me about to eat Thanksgiving Dinner at ENCHANTMENT RESORT®.

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