September in San Francisco

Sophia, John, and Noelle at Carol and Robert's house


Arriving in California. Visiting with Carol and Robert and Noelle and Jackie, James, John, and Sophia.

John looking cool with his sunglasses at CAFE BORRONE®


Visiting Jackie and the kids and some of Jackie and Steve's friends and eating a late lunch at CAFE BORRONE®.

John about to eat his hot dog, Jackie opening hte ketchup for Sophia, and James grabbing a wiener with the tongs at Jules and Elly's house


Visiting with Jackie and Steve and the kids at their friends' Jules and Elly's house with various other San Francisco friends.

John, Naresh, Kieron, and See-Yai at SPASSO®


Visiting with Jackie and Steve and the kids, along with Naresh and See-Yai and their 2 sons.

John, Jackie, and Carol examining the dinner menu at EDDIE PAPAS AMERICAN HANGOUT®


Visiting with Carol and Robert and Noelle as we wait for Jackie and Steve and the kids to arrive. Dinner with everybody at EDDIE PAPA'S AMERICAN HANGOUT®.

Sophia blowing on her straw, while John drinks from his cup, and James leans over for something at CAFE BORRONE®


Visiting Jackie and the kids and Jackie and Steve's friend Monica and eating a quick lunch at CAFE BORRONE®.

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