A Visit to Uncle Bill
Me, Aunt Pat, and Marc in our hotel lobby

Me (about to get up and set the camera again), Aunt Pat, and Marc in our hotel lobby.

Saturday morning we met up with our Aunt Pat. I do not recall ever meeting Aunt Pat; I have seen photos of her from the 60s. That was it. Aunt Pat and Uncle Bill wet their separate ways in the mid to late 70s. Marc met her a year or 2 ago when he visited Uncle Bill and Tom. Well, I was really happy to meet Aunt Pat (again) after all of these years. She is a real hoot; lots of fun. She treated us to breakfast at a local restaurant, and it was really good. We talked about Dad and the Maddux family and her life and Oregon. Her story about Dad bringing his own coffee (chicory no less!) from Louisiana was awesome. Again, I wish I had brought my camcorder to videotape our conversation. Another live and learn lesson! We said our goodbyes (for now) around 1:00 PM.

After our visit with Aunt Pat we moved on to Uncle Bill and Lynne. Tragically, Tom was busy with a bachelor party and could not make it. Uncle Bill showed me some photos of the Maddux family going back to 1904 or thereabouts and continuing on to the 1940s with some photos of him and Dad and Uncle Dick. Uncle Bill and Marc and I watched some college football in the afternoon. Then we all drove over to Lynne's daughter Jenny's house to help her celebrate her Birthday. Hmmm, Lynne's daughter, I guess you could say we have a new step-cousin! Lynne's other daughter Maria also came by later. Lots of good food and interesting people. And it sure got cold that night. The temperature extremes in the California desert where Uncle Bill lives are much greater than in Sedona.

We stayed until around 10:00PM or so, then said our goodbyes. We made our way back to our hotel room and crashed. And that was our Saturday in California.

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