A Cajun Christmas
Steve, James, Marc and Keri, Jackie, and John eating breakfast at COFFEEPOT® restaurant in Sedona

Steve, James, Marc and Keri, Jackie, and John eating breakfast at COFFEEPOT® restaurant in Sedona.

MONDAY - Saying Goodbye

Monday morning we all met up at COFFEEPOT® restaurant for breakfast and to say goodbye. Adele took Christy to the airport early that morning, so they did not make it. John and James both got hot chocolate, which they loved. John got his waffles and bacon. James got whipped cream and vanilla ice cream on his waffle. I cannot recall what Sophia got. We all chowed down and enjoyed our breakfast. Afterwards Jackie and Steve and the kids left for Phoenix and the airport. So we said our goodbyes and went home. And such was our Christmas visit for 2010.

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