A Cajun Christmas
James, John, and Sophia eyeing the Boys' Birthday cake while Steve looks on nonplussed

James, John, and Sophia eyeing the Boys' Birthday cake while Steve looks on nonplussed.

MONDAY - Celebrating John and James' Birthdays

After selecting a Birthday cake and other yummy desserts at SWEET ARTS Bakery®, we all went to Marc's house to celebrate John and James' Birthdays. John, James, amd Sophia could not wait to eat cake and open gifts. After a short delay while inserting the Birthday candles, Jackie and Steve set up everything so the boys could blow out their candles. After blowing out their Birthday candles, John and James ripped the gift wrapping off of their gifts as fast as they could. They immediately started enjoying their gifts and forgot about their Birthday cake. Fortunately, we did not; it was delicious. John and James spent the rest of the afternoon playing with their new toys. We adults just mellowed out and visited. And that was our celebration of John and James' Birthdays for 2009.

John, James, and Sophia playing with the boys' new Birthday toys while Adele and Jackie watch

John, James, and Sophia playing with the boys' new Birthday toys while Adele and Jackie watch.

The next morning Jackie and Steve and the kids left early, like 6:00AM. I went over to Marc's to say goodbye. And such was our Christmas visit for 2009.

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