Pitre Family Visits
Rusty and Julie and their son Eric sitting in their house

Rusty and Julie and their son Eric sitting in their house.

Visiting with Aunt Dory, Uncle Tom, Julie and Rusty, and Claire

After saying goodbye to our friend Mike Gold, we drove over to Julie and Rusty's house to visit with them. Julie and Rusty had assembled a crowd, including their son Eric, Aunt Dory, Uncle Tom, and Claire.

Uncle Tom sitting on the couch at Julie and Rusty's house Claire, with Julie and Jackie talking and James sitting in the background, in Julie and Rusty's house Aunt Dory sitting on a recliner in Julie and Rusty's house
Uncle Tom sitting on the couch at Julie and Rusty's house. Claire, with Julie and Jackie talking and James sitting in the background, in Julie and Rusty's house. Aunt Dory sitting on a recliner in Julie and Rusty's house.

The next day Marc and I visited Mom and Dad's graves. A somber moment. And that is all I recall of our October visit to Louisiana.

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