My Easter Weekend
Marc, Steve and Jackie watching Mom open her Birthday gifts

Marc, Steve and Jackie watching Mom open her Birthday gifts.

Once again this year we had a double header. We celebrated Mom's Birthday and Easter Sunday on the same weekend. So here we go!

FRIDAY - Arriving in Lafayette

Mom, Marc, Jackie and Steve arrived in Lafayette Friday around lunchtime. Mom, Marc, and Jackie then ran various errands. Steve was feeling sick and stayed home. I arrived in Louisiana Friday afternoon. We had a relatively quiet evening. Jackie baked several birthday cakes for Mom using Mom's mother's recipe.

Steve, Mom, Marc, and Dan at LA PIZZERIA® celebrating Mom's Birthday meal

Steve. Mom, Marc, and me at LA PIZZERIA® celebrating Mom's Birthday meal.

SATURDAY - Mom's Birthday

Saturday morning I got up around 8:30 to find Steve watching TV. We watched the Danish and Japanese Table Tennis Opens on FOX SPORTS®. The Austrians had 1 guy that could actually hold his own with the Chinese. However, the Chinese dominated the women's games. Slowly, everyone else arose from their slumbers. Around 11 o'clock, we rolled out for Mom's birthday lunch. Marc and Steve wanted to eat at an Italian restaurant named BELLA FIGURA®, so we drove on over to the restaurant. Tragically for Marc and Steve, the restaurant was not open. We then debated where else we could eat and finally decided on DON'S Seafood Hut®. As we passed LA PIZZERIA®, Mom commented on how good their pizzas were, and she really would like to eat at LA PIZZERIA®. However, we boldly ventured onward to DON'S Seafood Hut®. Before we got to DON'S® Mom had a change of heart and decided on CHARLEY G'S restaurant®. So we turned around and went to CHARLEY G'S®. We got to CHARLEY G'S®, and they were closed as well. Well, it just so happens that LA PIZZERIA® is in the same shopping center as CHARLEY G'S®, so we ended up eating at LA PIZZERIA® after all. Just a typical Maddux adventure. As you can sen see, Steve was still not feeling up to par. For some reason unknown to me, everyone complained about my shirt. They said it was good only for quilting material and not wearing. Yep, they were just a bunch of nittering nabobs of negativism. Personally, I think Jackie just wanted my shirt for her latest quilt. The food was nice, and Mom really enjoyed her meal.

Marc, Steve and Jackie watch as Mom opens her Birthday gifts in her living room

Marc, Steve and Jackie watch as Mom opens her Birthday gifts in her living room.

After lunch we returned home to eat some birthday cake. The cake was delicious. After chowing down on birthday cake, we gave Mom her birthday gifts . Marc and Jackie gave Mom several pieces of clothing , while I gave Mom a small treasure chest with a porcelain top and some DVDs. Mom and Jackie then left to shop for clothes. Marc and Steve bailed out to check out electronics and buy some beer and DVDs to watch that night. I stayed home and worked on my laptop. See the images rendered with SCED© and RADIANCE© on my GFX web page (no longer posted; sorry about that) for some of the images on which I was working. That evening we watched a Woody Allen flick and more of BEN-HUR® than anyone cares to remember. And that was how we celebrated my Mom's Birthday for 2001.

Steve reading a book, while Marc watches Mom try on her new jacket in her living room

Steve reading a book, while Marc watches Mom try on her new jacket in her living room.

FOX SPORTS®, BELLA FIGURA®, DON'S®, LA PIZZERIA®, CHARLEY G'S®, SCED®, RADIANCE®, and BEN-HUR® are all Trademark and Copyright their respective owners.

Unless otherwise noted, this Website, Web Pages, and all of its contents are Trademark and Copyright 2001-2015 Daniel E. Maddux. All rights reserved.