Jackie's Birthday
Jackie and her Birthday cake at Mom's townhouse

Jackie and her Birthday cake at Mom's townhouse.

SUNDAY - Celebrating Jackie's Birthday

We celebrated Jackie's Birthday on Sunday. Aunt Dory came over to help us celebrate. I believe Jackie got a lemon cake for her Birthday (a radical change from her usual desire for ultimate chocolate). Another anomaly was the numbers on her cake. She turned 32, but the numbers read "23". I guess Mom was being kind after her 30th Birthday Card to Jackie. Anyhow, Jackie opened her gifts, and we all ate cake and enjoyed ourselves. The standout gift was a red dress for Jackie . That is all I recall about her Birthday. Memory is a terrible thing to use, or waste, or something.

Aunt Dory, Marc, Steve and Jackie, and Mom eating Jackie's Birthday cake at Mom's townhouse

Aunt Dory, Marc, Steve and Jackie, and Mom eating Jackie's Birthday cake at Mom's townhouse.

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