Thanksgiving In California
Jackie and Steve's home in the San Francisco area

Jackie and Steve's home in the San Francisco area.

We celebrated Thanksgiving in California with my sister Jackie and her husband Steve. Mom stayed with Jackie and Steve at their home in Redwood City . Marc and I stayed at a Bed and Breakfast nearby in Atherton.

Bed and Breakfast in Atherton

Bed and Breakfast in Atherton.


Marc arrived Tuesday morning. Mom and I picked him up at the airport. We ate at some reasonably decent Cajun restaurant. After getting settled in at the Bed 'n' Breakfast, we ambled on over to Jackie and Steve's place. We hung out and watched an Australian DVD until Jackie and Steve got home. Tuesday night Marc, Jackie and Steve, and I saw James Bond THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH®, which was great. Pierce Brosnan makes a great Bond, and John Cleese was great as "R". And of course, plenty of great 1-Liners. I loved it.


Wednesday morning we just goofed off and ran errands. In the afternoon Marc and I saw Arnold's END OF DAYS®. Disappointing for an Arnold movie. We then braved the notorious FRY'S Electronics Store®. Afterwards, we ambled over to Jackie and Steve's once again. We then watched THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY®, a gross but funny movie. We then went to some fancy restaurant that Jackie likes for dinner. Later Mom, Marc, Jackie and Steve, and I saw DOGMA®, which was a surprisingly funny movie. Everybody was great, and George Carlin was in especially fine form. We all loved it. Later, we returned home and went to sleep. and Such was our Wednesday.

THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH®, END OF DAYS®, FRY'S Electronic Store®, THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY®, and DOGMA® are Trademark and Copyright their respective owners.

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