A Cajun Christmas
Our decorated tree and wrapped gifts on Christmas Day

Our decorated tree and wrapped gifts on Christmas Day.

SATURDAY - Christmas Day

Steve rang up his parents at an ungodly hour of the morning (Australian time), and we all had a pleasant chat with his folks. Apparently, his father was giving a sermon about an hour before Steve called. Around 09:00 AM we attacked, excuse me, opened the gifts laying under the Christmas tree . Naresh and See-Yai gave Jackie a dress from Singapore . We all liked it. It's very pretty. After opening our gifts, we cleaned up a little bit. Then, Aunt Dory came by and joined us in celebrating Christmas. Carol gave Aunt Dory a camera for Christmas. We got together and figured out how to get that sucker working.

Mom, Marc, Jackie and Steve cleaning up after we unwrapped gifts on Christmas Day

Mom, Marc, Jackie and Steve cleaning up after we wrapped gifts on Christmas Day.

We had turkey and potato salad and regular salad and lots of other yummy stuff for lunch. Mom made a great Lemon Cake for dessert, which we devoured. We then spent the afternoon laying around, digesting our food. This scene did not make for an interesting picture, which is why I have no pictures of Saturday afternoon. Marc, Jackie, and I did go walking around the neighborhood that afternoon to burn a few calories. Saturday night we watched TV, including the British TV comedy RED DWARF® and some other British comedy about some World War I guy whose name now escapes me.

Mom wearing her winter gift clothes on Christmas Day

Mom wearing her winter gift clothes on Christmas Day.

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